Authorized users can upload one or more individual files or a zipped (compressed) file to DAMA Digital Asset Management (DAM) system solves the problem of managing large collections of files by making them searchable and usable. DAM provides the tools for finding, organizing, and searching large collections of files.. These files can then be selected and viewed using various modules such as Links, Media, HTMLHypertext Markup Language. A set of tags used to mark the structural elements of text files. HTML files include tags that create hyperlinks to other documents on the Internet. / HTMLHypertext Markup Language. A set of tags used to mark the structural elements of text files. HTML files include tags that create hyperlinks to other documents on the Internet. Pro, etc. Authenticated users must be granted Write to Folder permission to the folder where the file is being uploaded to and Edit ModuleDNN uses a modular design system to display content on a page. One or more modules are added to each site page to create and manage the site content. There are many different types of modules, each managing a different type of site content or site administrative tasks. permissions to upload compressed zip files.
Note: When a file with the same name already exists users will be asked whether they want to Keep the original file which will cancel uploading the current file - OR - Replace the existing file with the new file. This begin the workflow process if the file is being upload to a folder that has workflow enabled.